Students of the German Studies Program at William and Mary have had remarkable success in winning major international fellowships over the last decade. This year, Judd Peverall (German Studies and Philosophy, ’13) and Libby Hennemuth (Hispanic Studies and Government, ’13) were awarded the highly prestigious Fulbright ETA Fellowship to Germany, and Brandon De Graaf (German Studies and History, ’13) received an Austrian Government Teaching Assistantship, which is administered by the Fulbright Commission. In addition, Evan French is the first student at the College to be awarded a DAAD RISE Scholarship for a paid internship in software engineering in Hamburg, Germany, and Emma Paynter (Government and International Relations, ‘13) also received a Fulbright Teaching Assistantship to Germany.

These are the kinds of events which can change a student’s life, and they represent an immense personal and professional advantage for them as well as great publicity for the College. Since 1999, some 30 German Studies students at the College have been awarded Fulbright German or Austrian ETA or Research fellowships, or other major international awards of similar standing.
The German Studies students must naturally get the greatest credit here, and they are an extraordinary group. But the German Studies Section works very hard to prepare them for these types of opportunities and put them in a position where they can make their qualities known. Since 1999, the German Studies section has had a conscious, deliberate and sustained policy of preparing students to compete for these fellowships. To be sure, German Studies does not do it alone, and Lisa Grimes and the Charles Center, in particular, deserve a great deal of credit for their great support of German Studies.
William & Mary is one of the best colleges in North America, but few people know it is also one of the best places for German Studies. This is one of the many areas where William and Mary excels, without great fanfare and with only extremely moderate resources.

List of Major Fellowships in German Studies
- Judd Peverall — Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany
- Brandon Travis De Graaf — Austrian Government Teaching Assistantship
- Libby Hennmemuth — Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany
- Emma Paynter — Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany

- Grace Brennan — Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany
- Sarah Salino-Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany
- Monica LoBue — Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany
- Claire Chapman — Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany
- Ariana Berger — CBYX Scholarship in Germany for 2011-2012
Continuing on with Standard & Poors
- Christopher Consolino — Fulbright Research Fellowship for Germany (History)
- Katelyn Andell — Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany
- Pete Gianannino — Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany
- Katie Sumner — Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany
- John Palenski — Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany
Austrian Government Teaching Fellowship (declined)
William and Mary Law
- Faith App — Austrian Government Teaching Fellowship
- Lauren Shaw — Austrian Government Teaching Fellowship
- Rachael Simons-Austrian Government Teaching Fellowship
Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany (declined) - Dustin Smith-Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany
Admitted to Graduate Program in German Studies with full support, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne (deferred)
- Kasey Hutson (’07) — Austrian Government Teaching Fellowship
Graduate Study at Washington University of St. Louis in German Studies - Carolyn Osinski (’07) — Austrian Government Teaching Fellowship
Graduate Study at Georgetown University with full support - Olivia Lucas (’07) — Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany
Graduate Student in Music at Harvard - Naomi Dreyer (’06) — Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany (2007 graduate)
- Amy Benoit — Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany
- Lenore Cebulski — DAAD scholarship for one year of study at Maximilian University of Munich
- Amanda Norris — Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany
- Amy Kuenker — Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany
- Catherine Reynolds (’05) — Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany
- Kate Pierce-McManamon — Fulbright Research Fellowship for Germany
Graduate school, Technical University of Brandenburg, Cottbus, Germany with an MA in World Heritage Studies, Historical Management and Administration, 2008 - Alana Seifts — Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany
Currently Lieutenant, USArmy and William & Mary Law School
- Jessica Telhorster — Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany
- Marc Landry — Austrian Government Teaching Fellowship
- Jay Miller — Fulbright Research Fellowship for Germany
- Lauren Nelson — Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany
- Emily Knight — Fulbright Teaching Fellowship for Germany