
National Minority Studies Colloquium

Feb 24-27th, WM will be hosting a national colloquium on Minority Studies.  The colloquium, which is a partnership between WM and the Future of Minority Studies Project (FMS) will bring together nationally recognized scholars and activists dedicated to Minority Studies on both a national and international level.  The program will feature panels on Human Rights, Critical Pedagogies, Native Issues and Race and Immigration.  “Subjugated Histories” is an interdisciplinary event representing disciplines as diverse as Critical Race Studies, Philosophy, Literature, Social Psychology, Education and Sociology and will feature renowned scholars Walter Mignolo, Linda Alcoff, Paula Moya and Hazel Markus.  FMS events are unique in that, because there are no simultaneous panels, participants engage in sustained dialogue over the course of the two days and have ample opportunity to converse with graduate students, junior faculty and senior scholars from around the country.
All panels are free and open to the public.

More information at:
For more information please contact Professor John Riofrio “Rio” (

Information on the Future of Minority Studies Project:

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