(BA Hispanic Studies): After graduating, I ended up getting my MSW from the University of Maryland, and did research with a professor throughout my time there regarding trauma and substance use among the Latino immigrant community in Baltimore. My second year, I interned with a community health clinic in the DC suburbs which served mostly Latino immigrants. The clinic provided primary care medical services in addition to dentistry, maternity care, psychiatry, and case management (help with applying for insurance, housing and food benefits, school and job training programs, etc.) I served as a therapist in the clinic, working with any patients who screened positive on tests for depression, anxiety, trauma/PTSD, and/or substance use. About 75% of the therapy I was doing was in Spanish. At first I was really afraid that my language skills wouldn’t be strong enough and patients would be insulted or confused, but they were all so grateful to have someone who spoke their language and was willing to listen to their stories. I really loved it there, and stayed for about 2 years after graduation. Recently, my husband and I (oh, yeah! I also got married last year!) moved to Charlottesville for me to pursue a different avenue in my career. I am proud to say I have been fully recovered from my eating disorder for several years, and am now working as an eating disorder therapist with a treatment center in Charlottesville to be able to support others going through similar struggles. The work feels so incredibly meaningful, and we’re really enjoying Charlottesville so far! My dog (Luna) loves it too, so much more space here for her to run and much quieter than the city.