fall2020 News News: French & Francophone Studies

A Virtual Fête de la Recherche

Fête de la Recherche_1Just like our students’ research, the Fête de la Recherche goes on!


Once again, a highly motivated group of seniors organized, publicized, and graciously hosted this signature event of the French & Francophone Studies Program. The 2020 Virtual Fête was a unique opportunity for students, faculty, and alumni to hear about research recently conducted during a class trip to Guadeloupe; a summer study program in Montpellier; a semester course on campus; and two year-long honors thesis projects. This year’s program also included a conversation with alumna Laura Wagstaff Henderson (’09) who spoke eloquently about the many ways in which the research she did as a French & Francophone major has benefited her professional life. It was incredibly nice to see her again!

Program Highlights:

  • Manon Diz, “Contested Memories: Reimagining the Colonial Narrative of Slavery”
  • Sophia Morakis, “Modern Museography: An Analysis of the Exhibit Measure and Control”
  • Helen Heaton, “The Oppression of Women under the Vichy Regime”
  • Nori Thurman, “The Elite Advantage: The Past, Present, & Future of How Élitisme Républicain and the Baccalauréat Contribute to Educational Inequality in France”
  • Sally Mullis, “Des Oiseaux Spectaculaires: Birds Imagined, Observed, and Discovered in French Court Culture under Louis XIV”

Sally Mullis and Kelly Sherman did a wonderful job introducing our speakers over Zoom, and Jamie Holt designed our beautiful poster. We are similarly grateful to Maddie Turner who organized a Study Abroad Fair in association with this event.
