Graduates 2012-2013

Brandon De Graaf ’13 Senior Profile: German Studies

BrandonDeGraafI am pursuing a double-major in German Studies and History.  As a sophomore, I resumed the study of German I began in high school, and spent the following summer abroad at the Universität Potsdam.  The immersion program at the Universität Potsdam greatly improved my ability and comfort with German, and bolstered my interest in the history and culture of German-speaking Europe.  I continued my study of German afterwards, eventually adding German Studies as a second major.  Under Professor Leventhal’s direction, I am preparing an honors thesis comparing the roles government-driven industrialization played in the rise of expansionist militarism in Germany and Japan during the late 19th  and early 20th centuries.  I am also a teaching assistant for Professor Morrison’s German 102 class.