Graduates 2012-2013

Kaitlin Jones ’13 Senior Profile: Hispanic Studies

40853_10150232946550285_3645900_nI am a Hispanic Studies and Psychology double Major from Suffolk, Virginia.  My love of the Spanish language began in high school where I served as a translator during service trips to Managua, Nicaragua.  My college career in Hispanic Studies sent me on a journey through roughly and hilariously translated poetry, literary criticism of the mind-bending symbolism only found in Spanish literature, and colorful – sometimes delicious – cultural study as I analyzed Gitano influence on Flamenco in Cadiz, Spain.  I hope to carry my language skills into my intended career in family therapy and also dream of hiking the Camino de Santiago sometime after graduation. I say that the most valuable takeaway from my courses in Hispanic Studies was the new perspective gained through careful study in and of other countries and their cultures. The ability to make a mean Spanish tortilla was a close second.