News: French & Francophone Studies Spring 2013 More

Six William & Mary Students receive a Teaching Assistantship in France for 2013-2014!

Congratulation to our French and Francophone seniors! This year, 6 of you are heading to France to teach English!

Angela Hales, Rachel Eilbott, Kayla Grant, Jasmin Harper, Daniel Hodges and Alix Kashdan who received a French embassy Teaching Assistantship and will be teaching in France in 2013-2014. Rachel will be teaching in French Guyana, while Kayla will be near Versailles (where she will join Stephanie Kumah, W&M French & Francophone ’12), Angela in Franche Comte, Jasmin in Alsace, Daniel in Réunion (Indian Ocean) and Alix in Picardy.

teach in France