Alumni Updates: Japanese Studies News: Japanese Studies

A Dream-like Experience in Japan

“I had a wonderful time in Japan,” Kenneth Li answered every time someone asked about his time during the summer break. Now when he reflects on that experience, everything seems to be scenes in a dream.
Every morning and evening, Kenneth rode a bike along the gorgeous Biwa Lake to commute between school and his gracious host family. Although the cla3) Li photo No.1ss moved at a fast pace, he could easily practice what he had just learned with Japanese people around him, so he made significant progress. Upon returning to the host family in the evenings, Kenneth talked about what he had learned at school and saw firsthand how the knowledge in the book corresponded with the daily life of a Japanese family.
During weekends, Kenneth’s friends traveled with him around Japan an3) Li photo No.2d observed the variety of Japanese culture in different places. Since a lot of Japanese festivals are held in the summer, they were fortunate to experience such events as Gion Matsuri and Hanabi Taikai.
Kenneth highly recommends this program to those who seek to advance their Japanese in a short time while exploring Japan and also having a wonderful experience of full immersion into Japanese culture.