I am proud to be graduating with a degree in French and Francophone Studies. What began as simple appreciation of the language itself has blossomed into so much more. Through this program, I have learned about wide swaths of the world. I have been exposed to the rich history of France, which continues to amaze me. I even had the opportunity to spend a semester in Montpellier, where I was able to experience and adapt to French culture. The friendships and memories formed during that semester have helped to shape me as a person. That is reflective of the William and Mary French department in general; it is full of professors and students who have significantly impacted me during my time here.
After graduating, I will work as a dancer over the summer in the North Carolina musical “The Lost Colony”. My intent is to then work as a business analyst before ultimately attending law school. Although this path may seem circuitous, I look forward to the adventure of it. My time in this program has prepared me well.