News: Russian Studies

First Week in Ufa (WM in Russia)

So I have been in Ufa for a little over a week and though it was time to post an update. Before we left for Russia, our group had a CLS orientation in Washington to meet each other and get information about how to use Russian after we graduate. It was great to meet all the people and everyone has been really nice and funin both classes and on excursions. Unfortunately, on the flight from Newark to Washington my suitcase was lost and still has not made it to Ufa, I have been told its in Moscow now, but I’m not sure if it will ever arrive. Luckily, my parents are great and drove down a new bag for me right before we had to leave, so I have clothing and such for the trip.

As for Ufa itself, it is very different than St. Petersburg. One of my favorite aspects of the city ismany of the signs are in Bashkir and Russian so one gets to see both cultures coexisting, although Russian is far more dominant.

My host family has been wonderful so far. I live with a woman, Farida Fagimovna and her 22-year old son Denis (accent on the last syllable) who just finished university. He studied water quality and control engineering which I understand very little about. But he has taken me around and we talk about sports, TV and movies so that has been interesting and really helpful for my language learning. He also worked in America last summer on the Work and Travel program so it has been interesting to hear what he thought about America and what he saw there.

Classes have been challenging, but I have been able to keep up and they are really helping my comprehension. Also, whenever I am at my homestay the TV seems to be on, so I have watched a good amount of Russian TV which helps me work on my accent and get new vocabulary. We are all are working on groups projects while we are here and I am working on media in Bashkortostan, so the things I learned in my senior seminaron Russian television last semester should come in handy.

Finally, since we are some of the few Americans to come to Ufa and a boon to their economy, we were on local television. So for you viewing pleasure, here is the link, its all in Russian but still interesting. I am seen briefly near the end.

I will update again after our excursions to religious sites in Ufa and some of the local museums.


News: Russian Studies

WM Students Explore Russia (June-July 2011)

This year WM Russian Studies students run a blog about their research, studies and adventures in Russia.  If you would like to read the recent news from Russia, visit our blog at

News: Russian Studies

CONGRATULATIONS TO the 2011 recipients of awards and scholarships in Russian and Post-Soviet Studies!

We wish to extend congratulations to the 2011 recipients of prizes and scholarships in Russian & Post-Soviet Studies.

  • Monika Bernotas (Charles Center Scholarship for International Research)
  • Monika Bernotas (Honorable Mention Certificate, ACTR National Rusian Essay Contest)
  • Tara Calloway (Phi Beta Kappa)
  • Sophie Kosar (2011 Dobro Slovo Scholarship)
  • Jacob Lassin (Critical Language Fellowship, Ufa, Bashkortostan)
  • Suzanne Reed (2011 Award for Excellence in Russian and Post-Soviet Studies)
  • Suzanne Reed (Flagship Program in St. Petersburg)
  • Suzanne Reed (Honorable Mention Certificate, ACTR National Rusian Essay Contest)
  • William Sinnott (Post-Secondary National Russian Scholar Laureate) Will Sinnott’s Award Certificate (2011)
  • William Sinnott (2011 MLL Book Award)
  • 12th ACTR Russian Essay Contest (Participants: Monika Bernotas, Cheng Cheng, Eleonora Figliuoli, Ciara Kazmierski, Carl Larson, Alex McGrath, Robin Parrish, Suzanne Reed, Peter Yanev) Essay Topic
  • National Slavic Honor Society, Dobro Slovo inductees (Ryan Akens, Kara Kolbe, Jacob Lassin, James O’Leary, Elizabeth Tait, and Sinead Tanner)
News News: Russian Studies

Monika Bernotas and Suzanne Reed Win Honorable Mention Certificates at the 12th National Russian Essay Contest (May 2011)!

Congratulations to the winners of the Twelfth Annual ACTR National
Post-Secondary Russian Essay Contest.  This year two William and Mary students
win honorable mention certificates: Monika Bernotas and Suzanne Reed.

In this year’s contest, there were 1,139 essays submitted from 59
universities and colleges across the nation. Each essay was ranked by three
judges in Russia.

News: Russian Studies

Congratulations Class of 2011 Russian Studies Graduates!

Class of 2011 Russian Studies Graduates

Congratulations class of 2011 Russian Studies graduates! We hope to see you all soon at our traditional October Homecoming Reception in the Russian House!

News: Russian Studies Uncategorized

Monika Bernotas receives Charles Center Scholarship for International Research (April 2011)

Monika Bernotas has been awarded the Charles Center Scholarship for International Research for her summer 2011 research project. This much sought after scholarship will help Monika to study experimental art communities in Lithuania and Russia.

News: Russian Studies

NASA honored the 50th anniversary (today) of Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin’s historic launch into space

NASA honored the 50th anniversary (today) of Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin’s historic launch into space, was to have Jethro Tull frontman Ian Anderson team up with astronaut Cady Coleman for the “first space-Earth flute duet.”  They played part of Bourree, which Anderson and his band played on tour way back in 1969 when the Apollo 11 astronauts were on their moon mission. Video of the duet is here. Enjoy.


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News News: Russian Studies Spring 2011

Russian television provides opportunities for learning and collaborative research

Watching too much television is bad for you. That is, unless you’re a student in Elena Prokhorova’s Senior Research Seminar class. In Prof. Prokhorova’s class, they’re studying the cultural significance of television programs like the Russian version of Fran Drescher’s sitcom “The Nanny”, but this is no mere classroom exercise. The course is designed around an end-of-semester scholarly symposium the students are organizing. Jacob Lassin (’12), a student in the class, has been working hard on organizing the conference, including designing the conference t-shirt. Jacob is in the group working on the conference paper focusing on the Russian Nanny, and he says their paper will be “about adapting gender roles from an American sitcom to a Russian sitcom, and how gender roles are portrayed.” Watch Jacob’s interview, with a discussion of the paper, below:


The symposium, which will take place on April 7-9, will host many prominent scholars in the field of Russian Cultural Studies from around the world. Will Sinnott, W&M class of 2011, another Russian student involved in the symposium, describes how the experience of working on the symposium has broken some of the boundaries between faculty and students and has led to real collaboration and research opportunities. Watch an excerpt from Will’s interview here:


Prohorova emphasizes that “the students are involved in the most immediate way: they will present their papers, they are participating in all other panels, so they will be exposed to actual research that is happening in the field, and they are also involved in organizing this whole event.”


The synergy of coursework and real research, along with the opportunity to meet and interact with scholars in the profession, makes this a unique opportunity for the students in the Russian program, and the skills they are learning in organizing the symposium are remarkable. This emerging model of collaboration between our faculty members and students to produce real research and real-world forums in which to present that research is one of the most exciting new developments at the College and Professor Prokhorova is hoping to be able to continue hosting such symposia in future years.

The symposium will take place from Thursday April 7 through Saturday, April 9, 2011. Many of the symposium’s events, such as film and television episode screenings (some subtitled by our own students), will be open to the public. For more information, a list of participants and a schedule of events can be found on the symposium website: All the featured films and television programs will be available at Swem Library at the end of the symposium.

Professor Prokhorova would like to thank the Reves Center for International Studies, the Charles Center, Global Studies, Film Studies and the Office of the Dean of Arts & Sciences for their generous support.

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News News: Russian Studies

Public Lecture: An Eye Witness Account: Doing Hi Tech Business in Russia

Public Lecture
An Eye Witness Account: Doing Hi Tech Business in Russia
Friday 3/25 at 3:30pm in Miller Hall 1088

As an executive of the United Technologies Corporation, Peter Barzach
developed, implemented and managed the start-up of the first US Manufacturing
Joint Venture (JV) with a member company of the Russian Ministry of Defense in
history.  The  JV was featured in the IVth Gore-Chernomyrdin Summit as an
example of how to do business in Russia.  The JV recently celebrated it’s 10th
anniversary and won the Presidents Medal, the highest award given by the
Russian Federation. Mr. Barzach will discuss his experiences and the
of doing business in Russia.

Sponsored by the Russian and Post-Soviet Studies Program

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News: Russian Studies Photo Album Spring 2011 More

Russian Maslenitsa 2011

Maslenitsa is a great time for the Russian Department to come together and enjoy each other’s company. In Russia, Maslenitsa is a celebration of the sun. In the Russian House, it’s a celebration of friendship and the spring semester. Every year enormous amounts of Russian food is prepared including blini, crab salad, and buterbrod. Both students and professors come to the Russian House to celebrate, play games, and, of course, feast on food.

This year, in addition to great food, we played an hilarious game of Jeopardy in which the categories were: “Russian Phrases”, “Russian Myths”, “Famous Russians”, and “Know Your Professors Pt. 1 and Pt. 2”. The winning group received prizes (Russian candy)! And at the end of the night everyone left with a full stomach and a lighter heart.

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News News: Russian Studies

WM Students take part in the 12th National Russian Essay Competition

This year nine students from three levels of Russian language courses took part in the competition: 5 students from Russian 102 (Cheng Cheng, Ciara Kazmierski, Karl Carlson, Robin Parrish, and Peter Yanev), 3 students from Russian 202 (Monika Bernotas, Eleonora Figliuoli, and Alex McGrath), and one student from Russian 340 (Suzanne Reed).

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News News: Russian Studies

Dr. Robert Moynihan Visits William and Mary

Dr. Robert Moynihan, the editor of the magazine INSIDE THE VATICAN, presents a talk “Moscow and Rome: latest developments in Vatican-Russian relations in a geopolitical context.”  Dr. Moynihan earned his Ph.D. at Yale U and his BA at Harvard.

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News: Russian Studies

Public Lecture: “Moscow and Rome: Latest Developments in Vatican-Russian Relations in a Geopolitical Context”

Location: Washington Hall 201

Dr. Robert Moynihan presents a public lecture “Moscow and Rome: Latest Developments in Vatican-Russian Relations in a Geopolitical Context.”  Dr. Moynihan edits the magazine “Inside the Vatican” and has been a key player in the ongoing dialogue between Vatican and Russian Orthodox Church since 1999.

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News: Russian Studies

Film Series: The Lighter Side of Russia: What Men Talk About

“The Lighter Side of Russia”
Thursday February 10 at 5 pm in Washington 301
The Russian and Post-Soviet Studies Program presents the last in a series of contemporary Russian comedies that will definitely make you laugh and maybe change your perceptions about modern Russian culture. The films are Piter FM (Jan 27), Plus One (Feb 3), and What Men Talk About (Feb 10). Open to all. Films are subtitled.


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News News: Russian Studies

Film Series: The Lighter Side of Russia

“The Lighter Side of Russia” Thursday January 27, February 3, February 10 at 5 pm in Washington 301

The Russian and Post-Soviet Studies Program presents a series of contemporary Russian comedies that will definitely make you laugh and maybe change your perceptions about modern Russian culture. The films are Piter FM (Jan 27), Plus One (Feb 3), and What Men Talk About (Feb 10). Open to all. Films are subtitled. The organizing committee: Suzanne Reed, Gabby Ongies, James O’Leary, Emily Pehrsson, Petar Yanev.

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News News: Russian Studies

Russian Holiday Party

Russian Department is having the End of the Semester Russian Dinner this Saturday, December 4th at 6pm.

Come join us in the Russian House to have some delicious Russian food, hang out with friends, and celebrate the end of the semester. Randolph Complex, Pleasants Hall, 3rd floor.

News News: Russian Studies

Film Screening: Taras Bulba

(2009: Dir. Vladimir Bortko) Cossacks, forbidden pleasures, blood and gore.  One critic called Vladimir Bortko’s adaptation of Taras Bulba—Gogolivud, a Hollywood action spectacle that has nothing to do with Nikolai Gogol’s 19th century novella, on which it is allegedly based, and everything to do with the conventions of the commercial film epic.  Come watch the film that caused a scandal in several European nations upon its release in 2009.

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News News: Russian Studies

FILM SERIES Russian Fantasy Film: From the Folk Tale to the Action Thriller

Mark your calendars.  Russian Studies students present three Russian fantasy films: an epic, a Soviet scifi film, and a post-Soviet action thriller.  Screenings: Oct 7, Sadko (1953), Oct 14, The Amphibian Man (1962), and Oct 21 Night Watch (2004).  All screenings will be in Tyler 201 at 5 pm. assignment help.
News News: Russian Studies

Oakie Treadwell’s Experimental Film Maggots and Men

Anastasia Kayiatos (University of CA, Berkeley) introduces Oakie Treadwell’s Experimental Film Maggots and Men. Maggots and Men is a groundbreaking experimental film project from the Bay Area.  Sex, gender, and revolution converge in a story about the 1921 uprising of the Russian sailors against Bolshevik oppressors.  The film is inspired by Sergei Eisenstein’s 1925 classic Battleship Potemkin and carries the title of its first reel.  Maggots and Men is a postmodernist text, which recycles the aesthetic strategies of the montage movement, manifests the homoerotic subtexts that many critics found significant in Eisentsein’s famous picture, and challenges modern preconceptions about gender and sexuality.

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News News: Russian Studies

Brown Bag: Second World Modernity and Sexuality

Join guest speaker Anastasia Kayiatos (University of California, Berkeley) and Roy Chan (William & Mary) in a wide-ranging conversation about sexuality within the context of socialist and post-socialist spaces. Ms. Kayiatos and Prof. Chan work on the cultural histories of Russia and China respectively, and have collaborated on projects concerning the issue of sexual difference in the second world. They welcome all scholars, students and curious individuals to join in conversation on how to think about not only sexuality, but broader issues of social difference in connection to the practices, institutions and historic legacies of socialism.

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News News: Russian Studies

Sarah Argodale successfully defends Honors Thesis

Sarah Argodale has successfully defended her Honors Thesis “Identity and Memory in the Tatarstan Republic” and was awarded the highest honors.  She has presented her research findings at the Honors Colloquium and William & Mary European Studies Conference.

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News News: Russian Studies

Congratulations to Professor Frederick Corney!

Professor Corney has been awarded a Harrison Chair of History Professorship (2009-2013).

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News News: Russian Studies

Figliuoli Wins Bronze in 11th Annual ACTR National Post-Secondary Russian Essay Contest

Eleonora Figliuoli won a bronze medal in this year’s contest, there were 1,023 essays submitted from 64 universities and colleges across the nation. Each essay was ranked by three judges in Russia, and often the results were simply too close to call.

Eleventh Annual National Post-Secondary Russian Essay Contest
American Council of Teachers of Russian
The topic was: Please write a short story or essay based on this famous
proverb: Не имей сто рублей, а имей сто друзей
(It’s better to have a hundred friends than a hundred rubles).

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News News: Russian Studies

Folk Music Group ZOLOTOI PLYOS, a Concert in Williamsburg

The famous folk group returns to Williamsburg and will perform in Ewell Recital Hall on April 12 at 7 pm. The winners of a number of prestigious music competitions throughout Europe, members of the Zolotoi Plios Folk Ensemble – Sergei Gratchev, Elena Sadina, and Aleksandr Solovov – are all graduates of the Saratov Music Conservatory. They currently teach at the Royal Carillon School in Mechelen, Belgium, and at Middlebury College, Vermont.

Co-Sponsored by Russian and Post-Soviet Studies, Literary and Cultural Studies, Asian Studies Intiatives Programs, the Music Department, Dean’s Office Lecture Fund, and the Charles Center.

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News News: Russian Studies

Russian House Soccer Team Wins Decisive Game

This weekend on Barksdale Field, the Russian House played soccer with the German House. The Russian House team beat the German team 5:1.  The Russian House team is getting ready for the World Cup in South Africa 🙂

News News: Russian Studies

2010 Winner of the Dobro Slovo Scholarship

Maggie Burke, a second year student at the College, was recently awarded the 2010 Dobro Slovo Scholarship in the amount of $500. Established in 2005, the Scholarship is funded by the donations of Russian alumni and faculty and is intended for students studying on the W & M Summer Study Abroad program at St. Petersburg State University.

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News News: Russian Studies

Two Russian Studies Students Win Research Scholarships

Jacob received Chappell Fellowship. Barry received Charles Center International Research Scholarship. They will do research in Russia this summer.

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News News: Russian Studies

Sarah Argodale Speaks at the 11th Annual Honor Colloquium

On Feb 25th 2010, Sarah Argodale presented her research on memory sites in Post-Communist Tatarstan at the 11th Annual Honor Colloquium. Sarah’s advisor is Professor Corney.

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News News: Russian Studies

Russian Studies Student Wins Award in Film Scoring Contest

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News News: Russian Studies

Keifer ’07 wins NiCad/W&M music video contest

Originally posted in:

“In Color,” the latest single by the international music band NiCad, looks a lot better, thanks to the music video created by Zach Keifer ’07 as part of a challenge issued by band members to William & Mary filmmakers.

Keifer’s was one of four entries submitted by William & Mary students and alumni for consideration during the College’s annual Global Film and Music Festival in February. After determining that the song was about an individual’s struggle to find himself, he blended ideas from an older project focusing on color to create the winning entry. “Basically I decided to make it about someone living inside a pepper; a red bell pepper,” he said.

Concerning the contest, Troy Davis, director of the Swem Media Center, said, “It was discussed when NiCad visited the campus last year. Also at that time, plans were being made for the Global Film and Music Festival, and we all thought this contest would be a great way to bring student work into the festival. The contest, apart from being cool and interesting, really demonstrates a collision of talented people and supporters and the emerging availability of new-media learning experiences inside and outside classrooms at William & Mary.”

On hand to present the award to Keifer was Gilad Woltsovitch, a member of the band, who discussed each entry on behalf of NiCad.

Keifer sees the honor of creating the “official” video as worth much more than money. “I was really surprised that they, being an international band, would come through William & Mary,” he said.  “They are very successful. Not often that you have rock stars willing to give up that kind of ownership. They certainly were taking a huge chance. And the song is great. I listened to it 1,000 times, and it never got old.“

Keifer is a well-known presence at his alma mater. He was one of the first students to work at the Swem Media Center when it opened. He won the initial  24 Speed video contest in 2006, and he has returned each subsequent year to serve as judge for that event.

“William & Mary always has had a unique culture of video makers,” Keifer said. “My philosophy is to take advantage of every opportunity; I am particularly impressed by the work being turned out through the Swem Media Center. Right now, the media center seems to be providing the best opportunities on campus.”

NiCad is an international experimental rock band based in the Netherlands. It was formed in 2004 when five students from five different countries met at The Hague’s Royal Conservatory in Holland. In  September, band members conducted seminars on electroacoustical music in the Swem Media Center at the College. As part of their visit, they provided William & Mary students with their new single, “In Color,” and proposed that the students compete to create the official music video.

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News News: Russian Studies

2009 Winner of the Dobro Slovo Scholarship

William Sinnott, a second year student at the College, was recently awarded the 2009 Dobro Slovo Scholarship in the amount of $500. Established in 2005, the Scholarship is funded by the donations of Russian alumni and faculty and is intended for students studying on the W & M Summer Study Abroad program at St. Petersburg State University.

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News News: Russian Studies

Lecture: Foreign Language and U.S. Government Opportunities: Moscow-Hotline Translator

Our guest speaker, Mr. John Carlson (Army Lieutenant Colonel, Ret.), has served as Chief and Senior Presidential Translator on the “Moscow Hotline” since 1989.

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News News: Russian Studies

Lecture: “On Chaplin in Russian Avant-Garde Art”

Yuri Tsivian is a leading scholar of Russian Cinema and international cinema of the 1920s-40s. His most recent monographs are Ivan the Terrible (2002) and Lines of Resistance: Dziga Vertov and the Twenties (2004). He is also involved in the restoration and video mastering of silent films; the remastered DVD versions of Dziga Vertov’s Man with the Movie Camera and Ivan the Terrible both feature his audio essays.

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News News: Russian Studies

Red Moon Rising is Available on Google Video

Russian Studies students made this film in spring 2008. It is a mockumentary about a successful Soviet mission to the Moon in 1967. When the spacecraft’s radio failed, the crew was unable to communicate with ground control and accidentally landed in Kansas. Entirely in Russian with English subtitles 🙂

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News News: Russian Studies

Kurt Carlson receives 2008 Dobro Slovo Scholarship

Kurt Carlson is a Russian and History major. He has been taking Russian at the college since fall 2006 and plans to use the award to travel to St. Petersburg this summer. At St. Petersburg State University, Kurt will be taking three courses: two in Russian and one in translation. He will be also doing an independent research project.

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News News: Russian Studies

Dobro Slovo Induction in Russian Studies

This year, ten members of the Russian program will be inducted into the Dobro Slovo National Slavic Honor Society. Sarah Argodale, Chris Burks, Aaron Chivington, Chris Hall, Nadia Mitina, Annie Mosher, Katie Mrkvicka, Erin O’Grady, Liz Owerbach, and Vadim Shneyder.

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News News: Russian Studies

Sasha Prokhorov Receives the Jefferson Teaching Award

Sasha Prokhorov Receives the Jefferson Teaching Award

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News News: Russian Studies

Folk Music Group ZOLOTOY PLYOS Performs on Campus

Russian folk music group Zolotoi Plyos (Alexander Solovov, Elena Sadina, and Serguei Gratchev) gives a concert-demonstration of Russian folk music for W&M students and faculty. Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 8:30 p.m., Ewell Recital Hall Repertoire includes songs and instrumental tunes from across Russia played on more than 20 Russian folk instruments. Sponsored by: The Russian Studies, Literary and Cultural Studies, Reves Center for International Studies, Charles Center, and Department of Music


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News News: Russian Studies

Public Lecture. Eugene Onegin: From Page to Stage

Helena Goscilo discusses the nature of opera, its Russian variant, and the transformation of Alexander Pushkin’s novel in verse (1823-31) into Pyotr Tchaikovsky’s world-renowned opera Eugene Onegin (1878). Helena Goscilo is UCIS Research Professor of Slavic at the University of Pittsburgh. She has authored and edited more than a dozen volumes, most recently Russian Culture in the 1990s, a special issue of Studies in 20th Century Literature (2000) and Encyclopedia of Russian Culture (2007).

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News News: Russian Studies

Public Lecture: Russian Imperial Porcelain

Dr. Kettering talks about items displayed at the exhibition in the Muscarelle Museum of Art. The exhibit includes many pieces from significant porcelain services made by the Imperial Porcelain Factory, starting from Empress Elizabeth and Catherine the Great to Nicholas and Alexandra. Visitors will see items featured at State Banquets at the Kremlin and other Imperial Palaces , as well as items designed for the Tsar’s private use aboard the Imperial Yachts. Among the rare items are two pieces from a service Catherine the Great ordered for her grandson, Grand Duke Constantine Pavlovich, as well as pieces from services presented by Augustus III of Saxony and Frederick the Great to the eighteenth century Russian Tsarinas. The exhibit also features 200 years of glassware, from a beaker from the time of Peter the Great to glassware for the Imperial Yachts and a vase made by the Imperial Glass Factory that the Dowager Empress Maria Fedorovna kept on her desk in Denmark after the Russian Revolution. Russian enamels from the late nineteenth century will include a major jewel casket made by the Ovchinnikov firm and presented to Tsar Alexander III’s Minister of the Interior, as well as the work of Fedor Ruckert and the workmasters of the Faberge firm.

News News: Russian Studies

Lecture: “The Paintings of the Russian Artist Zabelin” by Nickolia Dubavik

Sept 28, 5:30 pm. in Muscarelle Museum of Art Russian artist and art historian NICKOLAI DUBAVIK Lecture: The Paintings of Russian Artist, Zabelin Nickolai Dubavik talks about the tradition of Russian realist painting and one of the major representatives of this tradition in the twentieth century Vyacheslav Zabelin (1935-2002). For more information about the related Exhibition and galleries see or

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News News: Russian Studies

Public Lecture by Professor of Russian Studies Tony Anemone

Tony Anemone discussed the conventions and role of icons in Medieval Russian culture in his lecture, “The Historical and Religious Context of Russian Icons of the Golden Age.”. Andrews Hall 101 September 21, 5:30 pm.

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News News: Russian Studies

Lecture “Russian Icons in the Age of the Romanovs”

On September 7th, at 5:30 pm. in Andrews Hall 101, Wendy Salmond gave a talk “Traditions in Transition: Russian Icons in the Age of the Romanovs.” Wendy Salmond is the curator of the exhibition “Russian Icons in the Age of the Romanovs,” currently open in the Muscarelle Museum of Art. Her talk explored the place of religious visual tradition in secular culture.

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News News: Russian Studies

The Muscarelle Museum of Art Russian Exhibits

August 26–October 8, 2006 Traditions in Transition Russian Icons in the Age of the Romanovs Organized by the Hillwood Museum and Garden in collaboration with the Steinhardt-Sherlock Trust Tour by International Arts and Artists, Washington, DC The Tzars’ Cabinet Two Hundred Years of Russian Decorative Arts Under the Romanovs Russian Realist Paintings by Vyacheslav Zabelin from the Wurdeman Collection

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News News: Russian Studies

First Winner of Dobro Slovo Scholarship

Rachel Olchesky, a first year student at the College, was recently awarded the first annual Dobro Slovo Scholarship in the amount of $500. Established in 2005, the Scholarship is funded by the donations of Russian alumni and faculty and is intended for students studying on the W & M Summer Study Abroad program at St. Petersburg State University. Rachel is currently in Russian 102 and this will be her first trip to Russia. But not, we hope, her last. Congratulations!

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News News: Russian Studies

Russian Students at Middlebury

Erin Alpert, Richard Olson and Elise Thorsen have all been accepted into the Middlebury College Summer Russian School for the summer of 2006. Veterans all of the W & M Summer program at St. Petersburg State University, Erin, Rich and Elise are excited about studying at Middlebury, probably the most rigorous summer Russian language program in the U.S.

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News News: Russian Studies

Podcasting comes to MLL!

Tony Anemone recently received a Technology Grant which will allow him to podcast the Advanced Russian Conversation in the spring of 2006. The idea is to use digital technology to make Russian language resources available to students anytime, anywhere. Professor Anemone and Russian House tutor Dasha Khakounova will capture, create, and record Russian language materials, which will be automatically sent to students’ computers Students will then be able to download these audio files to iPod Nanos purchased by the grant, and prepare for classroom discussions on the go.

As in other types of essays, the first subparagraph may only contain interesting facts to attract the attention of readers.
News News: Russian Studies

Anemone becomes president of SCSS

The Southern Conference of Slavic Studies (SCSS), the largest regional affiliate of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS), organizes yearly conferences for scholars of Slavic history, political science, literature, culture and language, competitions for the best undergraduate and graduate student essays on topics in Russian or Slavic Studies, and prizes for outstanding scholarship and service to the organization. Among his responsibilities will be organizing next year.

The second subparagraph will serve as a starting point and a background.
News News: Russian Studies

Russian Student wins fellowship to UC Berkeley

Matt Kiser, who graduated in 2004 with a degree in Russian Studies, has been accepted into the Ph.D. program in Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of California at Berkeley, one of the premier departments in the nation. Matt’s senior thesis, “Representations of the Intelligentsia in Post-Soviet Crime Fiction” (faculty adviser, Sasha Prokhorov), was awarded High Honors in 2004. Congratulations, Matt!

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